A lua de Damasco corre no meu sangue

Porque o meu coração já lhe pertence um pouco, e no meu sangue corre a lua de Damasco, partilho um extrato - em árabe e em inglês- de um poema do poeta sírio Nazir Qabbani (1923-1998).

قمر دمشقي يسافر في دمي
وبلابل .. وسنابل .. وقباب
الفل يبدأ من دمشق بياضُه
وبعطرها تتطيب الأطياب
والماء يبدأ من دمشق .. فحيثما
أسندت رأسك جدول ينساب
والشعر عصفور يمد جناحه
فوق الشام .. وشاعر جواب
والحب يبدأ من دمشق ..
وتشد للفتح الكبير ركاب
والدهر يبدأ من دمشق ..

من أين يأتي الشعر؟
ماذا أقول ؟ 
سراً .. و
ملكٌ .. وهم في بابه حُجَّاب

A Damascene moon travels through my blood
Nightingales… and grain… and domes.

From Damascus, jasmine begins its whiteness
And fragrances perfume themselves with her scent.
From Damascus, water begins … for wherever
You lean your head, a stream flows
And poetry is a sparrow spreading its wings
Over Sham … and a poet is a voyager
From Damascus, love begins…
From Damascus, eternity begins…

Where does poetry come from?
What does it say?
Secret… and the King… they are in the door veil.


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